Therapeutic Riding
Therapeutic riding is an equine-assisted activity for the purpose of contributing positively to the physical, emotional, and social well-being of individuals with special needs. Therapeutic riding is a uniquely equalizing and normalizing form of therapy that minimizes the participant’s limitations, while highlighting their abilities. Communicating with the horse to achieve the rider’s goals and intentions inspires a feeling of mastery, increasing rider self-confidence and sense of responsibility. Therapeutic riding encourages the development of emotional regulation, self-discipline, and patience as well as increasing a rider’s interest in the outside world.
Riders with learning disabilities often find that they experience less resistance to learning, as executive functioning is improved through sequencing, patterns, and motor-planning activities.
There are also physical benefits from therapeutic riding. The horse’s gait mimics a person’s walk, and thus stimulates the rider’s hips, torso, and pelvis to move as if walking. This unique movement strengthens muscles in the back, core, pelvis, and legs; stretches spastic, tight muscles; lengthens shortened ligaments; increases range of motion in joints; and improves balance. Visual/spatial perception and hand-eye coordination are also improved through the activity of riding.
The benefit of therapeutic riding is specific to each individual and their unique needs and challenges. Lessons are tailored to meet the unique needs of each rider.
Interested in learning more about Therapeutic Riding? Check out some of the linked research articles.